Do you get a signature at delivery?
Can my parcel be tracked?
What size of vehicles do you have?
What times are you open?
How can I pay for my delivery?
Are my goods insured?
Can I use my own delivery notes?
Will my delivery notes be returned to me?
Yes we do get a signature with delivery. This can be done on either on our own delivery note or a mixture of both if we deliver it dedicated. If the item is delivered by TNT or other carrier they obtain a signature on their own delivery notes.
Yes your parcel can be tracked. All our drivers carry mobile phones and most of our delivery fleet have built in trackers. If your item is to be delivered by TNT or other carrier you will receive a airway bill number which then can be tracked on the internet.
We have a varied fleet of vehicles ranging from:
We are open 24 hours a day 365 days a year. So you can be rest assured that your items will be delivered anytime..
If you don’t have a credit account with ourselves we will take payment by either Credit/Debit card or cash on collection.
If we take your goods dedicated then your items will be covered by our Goods in Transit insurance which is current £60,000 for one single item. If the goods are delivered by TNT or carrier then you can opt to have further insurance. Details are available on request.
Yes you can use your own delivery notes if we deliver your goods dedicated. If your goods are on a next day/international delivery then unfortunately you can not use your own delivery notes.
Yes your delivery notes will be returned to you. If you have a credit account with us then the notes will be returned with your invoice. If you have paid by Credit/Debit card then your delivery note will be returned as soon as the job has been completed.